How To Access Your Inner Alchemy

By: Alondra Nicole
Transformation occurs when the life you’re leaving behind, frees you from the firmness of its grip. Making peace with yesterday is your new secret weapon. Even the centuries-old sun surrenders to the power of a fated eclipse.
If you’ve ever pondered on the purpose of your life, you have most likely experienced an internal desire for true fulfillment. Everyone you have ever met has an inner world that only they can access – regardless of their decision to courageously display it or keep it safely tucked away.
However, becoming comfortable with embracing your inner voice grants you a one-way ticket to cultivating the life of your exact choosing. You will always be your very best guarantee for reaching the destinies awaiting your arrival during your lifetime. Every day, your physical body acts as the force-field that protects your inner-most self from ever being extinguished. Developing a relationship with self is the key ingredient to fostering an eternal peace of mind, despite all trials and unforeseen challenges.
‘Soul searching’ can be defined as the personal journey one takes to locate their stream of pure consciousness. Pure consciousness is the formless state of existence that travels through the heart, brain, and entirety of the body - unaffected by all mental activity, given that its presence within all humans is a reflection of the purity of the soul. Going inward puts our body and mind in their most vulnerable state since our guard must come down before we can enter the most enlightened chamber of ourselves. That means, if there are underlying, emotional pain points that govern the state of your heart— you will come face to face with what exists in you as the ‘shadow self’. The shadow self is comprised of unexpressed and repressed emotions. It is the embodiment of the memories that prevent us from experiencing the unparalleled power of the present moment. It is no easy feat to tame the shadow self, for it is an undetectable and unconscious beast that seeks vengeance and redemption. That sly, thief of joy soothes the ego with a siren lullaby that condones our outdated anchors to the past.
Resisting change may indicate that our fear of the unknown is defeating us in a battle we were born to win. Every thought that you experience on a day-to-day basis is a response to your satisfaction with being alive — your emotions toward yourself, and others, are your guide toward deciphering how you currently feel. Remember, you are as free as the wind that bestows oxygen into our lungs. Refrain from focusing your attention onto the absence of what you do not yet have — instead, direct your thoughts into how you would like for true peace to remodel the framework of your life. When you begin to envision yourself living as the person you want to become, you are inviting your shadow self to let go of all things that do not align with where you are traveling to on your distinct journey of life.

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